Archive for the tag: System

Medication errors can occur due to both human error and system errors healthcare

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The most important priority of the healthcare system is to ensure patient safety. Errors regarding drug safety comprise 18-22% of all medical errors. Medication errors can occur due to both human error and system errors. As Acıbadem Healthcare Group, we aim to draw attention and raise awareness to the errors of medicine and way to prevent it.

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You can take steps to reduce the chance of a medical error happening to you or a loved one. The most important thing that you can do is to become an active member of your or your family’s health care team. This means asking questions of your doctor, nurse or pharmacist and speaking up if you have concerns. Also shown at:

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Defining Quality: Aiming for a Better Health Care System

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Defining Quality: Aiming for a Better Health Care System

So you want to improve the quality of health care. But what, specifically, should you aim to improve? In this video, IHIs Former CEO Don Berwick describes a 2001 report by the Institute of Medicine, Crossing the Quality Chasm, that laid the foundation for health care reform all over the world.

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Dr. Oz Explains the Healthcare System

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With Donald J. Trump now President of the United States, many Republicans in Congress are seeking to repeal the Affordable Care Act. This means that the healthcare system is on the minds of many Americans – we’re here to help you decode it.

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