Archive for the tag: Healthcare

Medication errors can occur due to both human error and system errors healthcare

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The most important priority of the healthcare system is to ensure patient safety. Errors regarding drug safety comprise 18-22% of all medical errors. Medication errors can occur due to both human error and system errors. As Acıbadem Healthcare Group, we aim to draw attention and raise awareness to the errors of medicine and way to prevent it.

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You can take steps to reduce the chance of a medical error happening to you or a loved one. The most important thing that you can do is to become an active member of your or your family’s health care team. This means asking questions of your doctor, nurse or pharmacist and speaking up if you have concerns. Also shown at:

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Healthcare: is it a right or a luxury? | Tarik Sammour | TEDxAdelaide

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Is healthcare a right or a luxury? The answer each individual gives to that question depends largely on their previous experiences with medical care, and on their geographical background and personal philosophy. It is not as simple as it sounds. But the world is getting smaller, and it is imperative that we develop a shared understanding of what kind of healthcare system works best for society in general, and how to fund this effectively. In this talk, Tarik Sammour challenges the audience to think about these questions and engages them in a passionate debate, while putting his own personal spin on things as all good speakers do! Tarik Sammour is a surgeon at the Royal Adelaide Hospital and an Associate Professor at the University of Adelaide, specialising in advanced bowel cancer surgery, patient outcome centred research and robotics. Throughout his training, Tarik has been privileged to work in a wide variety of healthcare systems, from the smallest general hospital in rural New Zealand to one of the largest medical centres in the United States, giving him a unique first-hand insight into what works well for patients and what doesn’t. One of the reasons he eventually chose to settle in Adelaide was because he saw the city’s potential as a leader in healthcare delivery and innovation. With an ageing population and spiralling healthcare costs, he has some ideas to solve problems that are relevant to us all. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
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Health Care is a Mess... But Why?

You probably know a couple who both work full time to support their children, but even with their dual incomes, they’re finding it more and more difficult to afford health insurance. Everyday incidents like sports injuries, asthma, and blood pressure, combined with their anxiety over rising premiums, are turning their American dream into sleepless nights. Why can’t people catch a break? It wasn’t always this way!

Check out the transcript of this episode aind out more about how we got here at FEE:

And download FEE’s new Essential Guide to Health Care Reform:

Written by Seamus Coughlin & Sean Malone
Animated by Seamus Coughlin

Special thanks to Michael Cannon.

Healthcare Power of Attorney

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Healthcare Power of Attorney

Advance directives are legal documents that provide instructions about who should oversee your medical treatment and what your end-of-life wishes are, in case you are unable to speak for yourself. Advance directives include a Health Care Power of Attorney and a Living Will.

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Dr. Oz Explains the Healthcare System

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With Donald J. Trump now President of the United States, many Republicans in Congress are seeking to repeal the Affordable Care Act. This means that the healthcare system is on the minds of many Americans – we’re here to help you decode it.

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