Archive for the tag: Drugs

How Do Drugs Get Their Names?

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Who names drugs? Why all the funny names? A number of months ago, we did an episode on how a drug comes to market with the help of out HCT intern, pharmD student Rachel Hoffman. She also helped us out with our episode on Flibanserin.

We get a lot of questions from you about drugs. What’s the difference between a generic and name brand drug? How do people feel about them? What’s the difference with biologics? With her help, we’re going to tackle those in the upcoming weeks.

Let’s start at the beginning. What’s in a name? That which we call a drug. By any other name would be so . . . effective? Brand name and generic drugs: are there any differences? Who regulates them? And what’s with all the names anyway? That’s the topic of today’s HealthCare Triage.

Those of you who want to read more can go here:

John Green — Executive Producer
Stan Muller — Director, Producer
Aaron Carroll — Writer
Mark Olsen — Graphics

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Xiidra. Zaltrap. Gilotrif. Taltz.

What those words have in common, other than sounding like minor “Star Wars” characters, is that each is the name of a marketed drug. And, as such, each has been through the fantastic voyage by which humble molecules get white-boarded, focus-grouped, and lawyered-up on the way to having their names (and bountiful side effects) read aloud on the TV commercials that dot your nightly news.

Here’s a look at the lengthy process that makes a Viagra out of a sildenafil, a Lunesta out of an eszopiclone, and a Taltz out of an ixekizumab. It involves scouring thesauri, arguing with the Food and Drug Administration, and, sometimes, crafting a cuddly spokescreature.
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8 Drugs Doctors Perscribe That Get You High | Adderall | Xanax

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In this video, I will be showing you guys and explaining to you 8 different drugs that Doctors perscribe that get you high. please leave a comment and I will respond to every single one. I read them all.
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5 12 51 Drugs for schizophrenia 831

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5   12   51  Drugs for schizophrenia 831

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