Archive for the tag: About

Healthy Eating for Kids – Learn About Carbohydrates, Fats, Proteins, Vitamins and Mineral Salts

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Educational video for children to learn what it means to have healthy eating habits. Eating is the process of taking in food. This is how we obtain the necessary nutrients to survive and carry out daily activities. Children will learn about the characteristics of healthy eating and about the importance of nutrients. They will also find out which foods contain carbohydrates, fats also called lipids, proteins, water, vitamins and minerals salts. At the end of the video, children will have a look at healthy eating tips and advice. Enjoy your meal!

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Healthy foods help our bodies and brains. Find out about good foods and ways they help make us healthy. Jack Hartmann’s Good Foods song.

What makes your muscles grow big and strong?
Grow, grow, grow big and strong
What makes your legs run real fast?
Run, run, run real fast
What helps your arms swim in the water?
Swim, swim, swim in the water
What helps your body grow
It’s good foods
Help your body grow
Good foods help you run real fast
Good foods help your arms to swim
Good foods alright!
Good foods alright!
Like apples
and grapes
and steak
and corn
May I have a little more?
What helps your body jump in the air?
Jump, jump, jump in the air
What helps your hands shoot a basketball?
Shoot, shoot, shoot a basketball
What helps your arms paddle a boat?
Paddle, paddle, paddle a boat
What helps your body grow?
It’s good foods help you jump in the air
It’s good foods help you shoot a basketball
Good foods help you paddle a boat
Good foods alright!
Good foods alright!
Like apples
and grapes
and steak
and corn
and rice
May I have a little more?
It’s good foods
Help your body grow
Good foods help you run real fast
Good foods help your arms to swim
Good foods alright!
Good foods eat them everyday

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Video Rating: / 5

Learn About The Signs and Dangers of Benzodiazepine (Anxiety Medication) Withdrawal!

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Dr Jennie Byrne, of Cognitive Psychiatry in Chapel Hill discusses what can happen when you withdrawl to quickly from Benzodiazepine’s (Ativan, Valium, Xanax, Klonopin) These medications are typically prescribed by primary care doctors. Now if you take them more than two times per week you can begin to become addicted and then have withdrawal. If this occurs and you stop it can be very dangerous. To learn more about this please click here to read more:
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Klonopin, the brand-name form of clonazepam, is a prescription medication used to treat panic disorder and certain types of seizure disorders. Klonopin belongs to a group of drugs called benzodiazepines, which help to slow down brain activity.
This medication comes in tablet form and is taken up to 3 times a day, with or without food. The tablets should be taken with water.
Common side effects of Klonopin include drowsiness, walking or coordination problems, and dizziness. Do not drive or operate machinery until you know how Klonopin will affect you.
Video Rating: / 5

6 Facts About Vitamin Intake No One Told You Before

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Which vitamins are actually good for you? There’s a fine line between helping your health and hurting it. Here’s a guide on the “ABCs” of vitamin intake that’ll help you improve the condition of your skin, hair and overall health.

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How to Get the Most out of Vitamin Supplements- Thomas DeLauer:
When should you take your vitamins? To learn more about how I can help you, head to
Many factors play a role on how available vitamins and supplements are when you take them. Fat-Soluble Vitamins: Vitamins A, D, E and K-
These are stored in the liver and fat stores in your body, so you do not need to consume these every day. They are easy to get from food as they are not easily broken down by heat when cooking. These are the most important vitamins to eat with food, as the name implies, they are only absorbed and used by the body in the presence of fat. These vitamins dissolve in fat and are then delivered to the bloodstream for use in the body. Not much fat is needed, but if taking a supplement, or even eating fruits and veggies, but sure to have some fat added. If you make a healthy smoothie, add some almond butter or you favorite oil, such as macadamia nut oil. When eating salads, do not use fat-free salad dressings! Olive oil and lemon juice are great options. Be careful if you supplement these vitamins and be sure to check with your doctor if you feel you may need to do so. These vitamins are only needed in small quantities and can build up to a dangerous level if too many are taken. Vitamin D is the main fat-soluble vitamin in the US where deficiencies are common. This is due to inadequate exposure to sunlight. Fortified foods and supplements can help. Try to obtain 5-15 minutes of direct sunlight twice per week to avoid a deficiency, and if this is not possible then talk to your doctor about supplementation.
Water-Soluble Vitamins: Vitamin C and B-complex vitamins are water soluble vitamins that you need to be sure to include in your diet daily. Unlike fat-soluble vitamins, these vitamins are not stored in your adipose tissue or liver and are in essence washed from your body daily. Food storage and preparation are important when making sure to get sufficient quantities of these vitamins. Deficiencies are uncommon, however vegans do not have a natural source of vitamin B12 and usually need to supplement. While deficiencies are not common, it is still important to consume daily for bodily functioning. As these vitamins dissolve in water, you do not need to take these with foods, although you can if you want to.
Minerals: Calcium and Magnesium (2,4) – These are best taken with food and good to take at night. Calcium is linked to improved sleep due to its muscle relaxing abilities and magnesium has calming effects on the nervous and musculoskeletal systems.
Zinc (2,4) – Take with or after meals to avoid stomach upset. Do not take with dairy as calcium hampers absorption. Also avoid taking with iron as large quantities of iron can also hurt your body’s ability to absorb zinc. Avoid taking excess zinc, which can lead to anemia through suppression of copper absorption.
Iron (4) – Best to take on an empty stomach. Avoid taking with zinc, calcium and vitamin E as these can decrease absorption. If you have a sensitive stomach you may not do well when taking iron on an empty stomach. If so, take with a light meal.
Probiotics (4) – Best to take 30 minutes before a meal as this is when digestive enzymes, bile salts and stomach acid are at low levels. These levels peak after a meal, so this is the worst time to take a probiotic.
Fiber (2) – Be sure to separate taking fiber from other nutritional supplements as fiber can hamper mineral absorption.
Fish Oil (4) – Fish Oil is best to take with food and with your multivitamin, or other fat-soluble vitamins, if you take them. The fat in the food that you eat can help to aid in digestion and absorption. As fats take a long time for your body to digest, it is best not to take fish oil pills or eat a fatty meal pre-workout. This can cause digestive upset.
Multivitamins: As these contain both water- and fat-soluble vitamins, take with plenty of water and some food with fat in it, but try not to take with dairy as this can reduce your absorption of zinc.
1. Fat-soluble vitamins

Fat-Soluble Vitamins: A, D, E, and K – 9.315

2. Water-soluble vitamins
3. Get the most from your vitamin supplements
4. A guide to timing supplement intake

High Blood Pressure: What You Need to Know About Medications

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Dr. Luke Laffin, staff cardiologist in Preventive Cardiology and Clinical Specialist in Hypertension at Cleveland Clinic answers questions that patients often ask about taking high blood pressure medicines: types of medications, side effects, when to call the doctor, role of self-blood pressure monitoring (including how often), the best time to take blood pressure medications, and if there is a chance that patients can come off medications. He ends the program with three important points for patients with high blood pressure.

Blue’s not feeling well. The prescription? Generic medication.
This new PSA aims to increase overall understanding of generics as a safe and effective treatment choice, reduce the perception of generics as inferior to their name-brand alternatives, and improve attitudes toward adhering to generics.
For more information about generics, visit
Video Rating: / 5

15 Things You Didn't Know About The Pharmaceutical Industry

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15 Things You Didn’t Know About The Pharmaceutical Industry | Industry Wednesday
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In this video we’ll try to answer the following questions:
How much is the drug market worth?
How much the pharmaceutical industry is worth?
What is the largest pharmaceutical company in the world?
Is Pfizer the largest pharmaceutical company in the world?
Is GSK the largest pharmaceutical company?
How much money is spent per year on prescription drugs?
Who discovered the drug?
How much does the pharmaceutical industry spend on marketing?
How much money is spent on prescription drugs each year?
What countries allow drug companies to advertise?
Who invented the first antibiotic?
Do supplements make you thirsty?
How much does it cost to make a new drug?

#alux #bigpharma #industry

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Want to be a drug addict? If you live in the U.S. chances are you probably already are. The U.S. – land of the free, of MTV, and of legal drugs. This might just be what makes America great. A place where our doctors prescribe us pills we don’t need for conditions that don’t exist. It’s a win-win. Big Pharma gets bigger and richer and we get higher or just die.

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Music: FloFilz – Tilezeit

The story was different 50 years ago when Jon went down to his dentist’s office to get his wisdom teeth pulled and the doctor gave him aspirin as pain medication. This was a time when young men went to war and women worked their asses off at home to save the country from collapse. Now? We get high, play video games, watch YouTube, and complain when someone doesn’t call us the right gender. And these days if old Jonny boy goes to the dentist and wants some work done it’s dealers choice. Vicodin. Percocet. Codeine. You name it. Whatever company happens to be in bed with your doctor that day. And if you don’t have private insurance that pays for your drugs? No problem. Sign up for Medicaid. You’ll definitely be able to get free drugs through them.

First what exactly is the pharmaceutical industry? To make a long story short it’s a business that creates drugs for use as medications. It’s important to note that it’s not a terrible industry. In fact they have made some very important discoveries like insulin which has saved millions of lives or the countless vaccines that have protected us from at one point, very common diseases like measles and hepatitis.

The problem is not the idea of pharmaceuticals – drugs are neither good nor bad. They can either be helpful or dangerous depending on their use. The problem with big pharma is that it is literally killing people. And it’s making a profit doing so. And our government is basically encouraging it.

You may ask yourself how an industry that it supposed to be providing us medication which is regulated by the Federal Drug Administration – an organization responsible for “protecting the public health by assuring the safety, efficacy and security of human…drugs,” is killing us. Let’s first look at the health statistics:

• 99% of hydrocodone worldwide use is in the U.S – we know this drug more colloquially as Vicodin (which is just a company that makes hydrocodone). This is a drug that the FDA rates as less dangerous as marijuana but in 2011 caused nearly 100,000 emergency department visits.
• The U.S. makes up 5% of the world’s population but consumes 80% of its opioid consumption
• On average 40 deaths per day are linked to specifically prescription opioids and over 100,000 deaths per year linked with prescription drugs in general. This is far more deaths than what illegal street drugs cause.
• Prescription drugs are now the 4th leading cause of death in the U.S.

Ok. You get the point. Prescription drugs are dangerous and they are killing people. But now the question is why are people taking them if they’re so dangerous? The answer lies in the incredible reach of big Pharma. The pharmaceutical industry spends between 30 and 60 billion dollars a year on advertising their miracle drugs. You’ve all seen their ads – blue skies, beautiful couple, trees – having trouble sleeping? Bad knees? Buy our pill and feel like new. And then the 10 second list of possible side effects which always include “and in extreme cases, death.” The folks that regulate these advertisements have a budget of million dollars. Do you really think a million dollar budget is enough to regulate something that is more than 6,000 times that size. This is not a David vs. Goliath story. This is an ant vs. an elephant.

Big pharma is also notorious for selling drugs that aren’t approved for certain symptoms – a practice called Off-Label Promotion. For example your doctor might prescribe you an antidepressant because she or he believes it will help your migraines. This practice is at times is legal and at others illegal. If illegal you will learn shortly that the fine usually is smaller than the profit these companies make. Big pharma might just consider it another tax of doing business. And yes it has in some cases caused death.

There is also the idea that big Pharma creates new illnesses and solves them with their pills. Sounds like a conspiracy theory, right? But actually it makes a lot of sense and you’ve probably seen an ad that talks about some made up illness and a pill to fix it without thinking twice. For example restless leg syndrome. Is that really an illness?
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