Archive for April, 2019

Should I take supplements during my pregnancy? | NHS

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Midwife Jenny Haddon explains how supplements can enhance diet during pregnancy.

Highest quality supplements. Used by today’s top professional athletes.

One of the most common questions asked is whether someone needs to take supplements in order to build muscle and see results. It is a good question and one that has two completely different answers depending on the person asking it. In this video, I explain to you 5 reasons you need to take supplements and when you never should take them. If you can’t deal with brutal honesty however, I would advise you not to watch, as some feelings may be hurt.

To determine whether or not you are a candidate for supplementation you have to start with your experience level and current condition. If you are just starting out and are relegated to lifting 5 pound dumbbells for most of your exercises, you are likely not ready for supplements. You can gain far more benefits focusing on building up your strength and foundation while learning proper form and the best way to train than with stuffing your face with supplements.

The same can be said if you have allowed your diet and nutrition to put you grossly overweight. Supplements are not your savior. You first must figure out how to rededicate yourself to your nutrition so that you can lose enough weight to make supplements a viable part of the discussion once again to take you and your results to the next level.

Next you have to ask yourself if you are motivated enough to take supplements. Some people view supplementation as a way to be lax with the rest of their fitness and nutrition plan. They figure that as long as they are taking the supplements that they don’t have to worry much about everything else. Couldn’t be further from the truth. On the other hand, sometimes the act of supplementing makes you much more accountable for the rest of your actions. In this case, it can be a great advantage to helping you stay on track.

If stress is a big part of your life, be it from your work or family, supplements can become even more necessary to help keep you on track and combat that. We all know that proper nutrition and fueling can go a long way towards helping your body fight fatigue and breakdown. If stress is heavy in your life then you would particularly want to look into supplements to help keep you healthy and consistent with your nutrition in the face of schedule disruption.

Finally, ask yourself if you think that you can get all the benefits of supplements from food alone. If you think so, I can tell you in most cases you are wrong. For instance, there is simply no practical way to get as much creatine as you would need to experience its benefits from food alone. I said practical. Sure, you may be able to do it in theory, but when you consider the roadblocks that I present to you in the video you quickly realize this won’t work.

For a complete supplement and nutrition line that is tested and trusted by today’s top professional athletes, be sure to head to and get your Rx Supplement bundle. Feel what a difference supplementation can make and see first hand how it can take your results to the next level.

For more videos on bodybuilding supplements and if you need to take supplements to build muscle be sure to subscribe to our channel here on youtube at
Video Rating: / 5

Food and Vitamins and Supplements! Oh My! — Longwood Seminar

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Every day a new diet trend seems to be in the news—along with an abundance of advice on supplements and vitamins, including which to take and which to avoid. This March 5, 2013, seminar aims to cut through the noise surrounding nutrition, vitamins and dietary supplements by providing the latest scientific evidence as well as advice for healthy eating and living a nutritious lifestyle. Learn more about the Longwood Seminars by visiting

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Wonder whether you should take vitamins, minerals, or other dietary supplements? With more than 50,000 of these products on the market, do you know which ones might or might not be good for you, and which are safe to take? In this short animated video, the Office of Dietary Supplements (ODS) at the National Institutes of Health introduces the ODS website–the place for reliable, science-based answers to your questions about dietary supplements. Information on the website ( is primarily in English, with many fact sheets for consumers available in Spanish. This video is also available in Spanish: ¿Debería tomar suplementos dietéticos? (
Video Rating: / 5

Healthy Food Advice : Foods to Avoid on an Acid Reflux Diet

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Certain foods can trigger acid reflux, so it is important to stay away from these triggers. Avoid acid reflux inducing meals with the help of a licensed dietitian in this free video.

Expert: Charlotte Lawson
Bio: Charlotte Lawson, a licensed and registered dietitian and nutritionist, works with the Florida Department of Health’s nutrition division as a senior public health nutritionist.
Filmmaker: Christopher Rokosz

Series Description: Choosing healthy foods can be confusing without the proper advice. Create a healthy diet with the help of a professional dietitian in this free video series.

Don Berwick on Leadership in Health Care

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Donald Berwick, MD, MPP, President Emertius and Senior Fellow at the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI), discusses how important leadership is to quality improvement. In this two-minute clip, he disusses what he’s learned about the key behaviors of leaders over the past 25 years.

US Healthcare System Explained

Ever wondered how the healthcare system in the USA worked? We explain everything in this video!







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8 Foods to Avoid with IBS

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ActiveBeat connects health-conscious individuals with important news and information in the fast-paced world of health. From recalls and outbreaks to diet, nutrition and fitness we cover everything you need to know about health, every day.

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Health care in danger: The human cost

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Health care in danger: The human cost

The law says hospitals, ambulances and health-care workers must be protected and should never be targeted as they carry out their regular duties. This is often far from the reality. Worldwide, the lack of safe access to health care is causing untold suffering to millions of people.

Through the voices of doctors, nurses, ambulance drivers and patients, this film shows the human cost of violence against health-care workers and facilities. It also highlights how medical, military and humanitarian organisations are coming together to find new approaches and new solutions.

“One of the first victims of war is the health-care system itself.” Marco Baldan, War Surgeon, ICRC